Study "in vitro" on the effects of PEMF induced by the BIO-STIM® System on cell proliferation and differentiation of bone cells - Berlin cells - of "normal" type from a human subject with osteoporosis. (Report T06.198-02.02).
Induction of proliferation of normal fibroblastic cells from a human subject with osteoporosis suggests that treatment with PEMF from the BIO-STIM® System may have a regenerative effect on these cells. In this regard, the BIO-STIM® System would be a significant asset in the pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis.
R. Mandeville, M.D., Ph.D., Biophage Inc. Montreal, P.Q.
This study focuses on the proliferation and differentiation of bone cells following exposure to PEMF, using Berlin cells, fibroblastic type cells (dedifferentiated) from a human subject with osteoporosis. These cells are considered to be of "normal" type although they derive from a strain with a pathology related to the effectiveness of the calcification process.
Technically, the BIO-STIM® System was used with a pad as an applicator. The Generator was programmed to achieve, successively, different frequencies and modulations while the wave amplitude and time remained the same. The treatment lasted six (6) consecutive days at 15 minutes per day. Statistically, the Student's T-test validated the results with a confidence limit of P<0.05. The parameters used were set as follows:
A6, F60, M2, T15 Field Intensity: 111 milli Gauss (11.1μ Tesla)
A6, F30, M2, T15 : 50 milli Gauss (5.0 μ Tesla)
A6, F15, M0, T15 : 42.5 milli Gauss(4.25 μ Tesla)
A6, F10, M0, T15 : 32.5milli Gauss (3.35 μ Tesla)
Regardless of the parameters used, PEMF treatment with the BIO-STIM® System induced a significant increase in proliferation of normal fibroblastic cells from the human subject with osteoporosis. This increase was approximately 38%, 48.6%, 46%, and 41% respectively depending on the parameters used.
Induction of proliferation of normal fibroblastic cells from a human subject with osteoporosis suggests that treatment with PEMF from the BIO-STIM® System may have a regenerative effect on these cells. In this regard, the BIO-STIM® System would be a significant asset in the pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis.