• FR
  • International Congresses

    International Congresses

    In 1992, the First World Congress on Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine was held in Orlando, Florida, USA. Electro BIO-MAG Inc. delegated Dr. Jean Charlebois and the following scientific consultants: Dr. Gaston Picard, Dr. Jacques Goulet, and M. Noël Desjardins, pharmacist.

    In 1997, the Second World Congress on Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine was held in Bologna, Italy. Dr. Jean Charlebois, medical consultant for Electro BIO-MAG Inc., attended this Congress.

    In 2009, Electro BIO-MAG Inc. took the initiative to submit a topic for a communication to the BioElectroMagnetic Society (BEMS). The Congress of said society took place in Davos, Switzerland under the auspices of BioEM 2009, from June 14 to 19, 2009. The communication, accepted in the form of a poster, was presented by Dr. Jean Charlebois, medical consultant for Electro BIO-MAG Inc. The title of the communication was:

    « Significant Improvement Following a Three Month PEMF Treatment in a Clinically Definite Permanent Hemiplegic Subject After a Road Accident.» Charlebois Jean, M.D. & Roberge, Andrée G., Ph.D.

    Jean Charlebois, md