We are excited to serve you, to offer you a better quality of life at your fingertips..
Hello to you who show an interest in our products. This demonstrates to us one fundamental thing, that your pursuit to improve your quality of life is either in progress or has already begun.
In this mindset, we have decided to invest in the company Électro Bio-Mag Inc. We have always had the need to do good to those around us... And what if we could do this good for as many people as possible?
We are committed as partners in everyday life and as owners of the company Électro Bio-Mag, to give the best version of ourselves in our company and to our valuable clientele. We have a strong belief that the Bio-Stim device is one of the best allies in the daily life of each of us. Its effectiveness and ease of use make Bio-Stim a major tool in the well-being and quality of life of every human being.
Julie hates to limit herself, for her, every person, no matter their situation, deserves to be happy. Happiness is unique to each individual, but feeling good in one's body and condition is essential for everyone. Waking up in the morning, for some, is a struggle and for others it's so simple, and why is that?
What if Bio-Stim could be a major player in your well-being!
It's so easy to talk to Simon. Share your passion with him and he will be delighted to discover it with you. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) have been integral to his life for many years. Electro Bio-Mag Inc. was owned by his father and Simon was very proud to acquire it. PEMF is an inexhaustible source and it is still so unknown. Simon has a deep desire to uncover more about them each day and to introduce them to everyone.